
Art Smart is a Rosa Parks PTSA-sponsored program that exposes our students to various artists, styles, techniques, and art movements. This program provides a creative opportunity for our students to make their own works of art inspired by those lessons. Each month a group of parent volunteers lead a prepared art lesson (you won’t be alone and the curriculum already exists!) 



Fall Orientation: Sept. 28 at 8:50am, Art Room

Clay Orientation: Oct. 11 at 8:50am, Art Room

Bulletin Board & Portfolio Training: Nov. 20 at 8:50am, Art Room


Sign up to volunteer here!






Questions? Email Nicole Alvarez, Jackie Mitchell, & Elizabeth Sayed at artsmart@rosaparksptsa.org


art smart projects 2020-2021


The June Art Smart project will be Print Making, as well as an extra surprise! 

Supplies Pick-Up at Rosa Parks on June 9th, from 9 am-4 pm.  





Printmaking | Subtractive https://flipgrid.com/e04d9fb7

Printmaking | Collagraph Additive (part 1) https://flipgrid.com/3a2cd502

Printmaking | Collagraph Additive (part 2) https://flipgrid.com/eae08eaf



Sewing Project 1 | Step 1 https://flipgrid.com/3894651e

Sewing Project 1 | Step 2 https://flipgrid.com/37de98a5

Sewing Project 1 | Step 3 https://flipgrid.com/ec33c29d




Sewing Project 2 | Step 1 https://flipgrid.com/603d9ebe

Sewing Project 2 | Step 2 https://flipgrid.com/e4050426

Sewing Project 2 | Step 3 https://flipgrid.com/9537350b

Fixing a mistake               https://flipgrid.com/6fa39a61





Clay | Getting Started https://flipgrid.com/c36a57fa

Clay | Textures, Part 1 https://flipgrid.com/e4211ede

Clay | Textures, Part 2 https://flipgrid.com/7eb3aa0f

Clay | Textures, Part 3 https://flipgrid.com/1636106f

Clay | The Basics https://flipgrid.com/b6f96d63

Clay | Landscape Plaque https://flipgrid.com/3ca6c9bd

Clay | Cupcake Container https://flipgrid.com/2137ce16

Clay | Monogram Wall Hanging https://flipgrid.com/47ed0e40

Clay | Leaf Bowl https://flipgrid.com/31b24618

Clay | Sculptures https://flipgrid.com/cde5bd3e

 Clay | Painting Overview https://flipgrid.com/34509c5e

Clay | Painting with included paints https://flipgrid.com/0636180b

Clay |Painting more techniques https://flipgrid.com/729f5d8e

Questions may be directed to Artsmart  at: artsmart@rosaparksptsa.org



Paper Weaving: https://flipgrid.com/4f10da73

Make Your Own Paper Loom: https://flipgrid.com/445b9938


Circle Loom Weaving Step 1 of 4 "Creating the Loom:": https://flipgrid.com/5a5ec18d

Circle Loom Weaving Step 2 of 4 "How to Weave": https://flipgrid.com/b7fd18ab

Circle Loom Weaving Step 3 of 4 "How to Add Yarn": https://flipgrid.com/cad2a6ae

Circle Loom Weaving Step 4 of 4 "Finishing the Circle Loom": https://flipgrid.com/dbea9a1a


Additional Resources:

Paper Weaving 

                            Circle Loom Weaving (with a paper plate)



For February we're moving away from paints to get creative with a variety of new mediums!

Try out these ideas with the provided materials: 


Pipecleaner Sculptures

Craft wire Sculptures

 "Twisteez Lessons"


"Twisteez How-To Videos"










Rosa Parks PTSA would love to see your work!

Click on our Facebook page below to share your pictures! 

Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA | Facebook


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Corporate Matching!

Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.

Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched. https://microsoft.benevity.org/

For information on other companies, go here