This online program is available to students in grades 1st through 5th; kindergarten students are also encouraged to enroll because this is a parent-student-initiated program. Passport Club is an online geography enrichment program for elementary school kids that provides a foundation in global literacy and encourages curiosity about Earth's interesting geography.
How does it work?
Registration for 2024-25 is open Sept. 3 - Sept. 25, 2024.
- study the virtual map at home on your own or with a parent's assistance. Only parents of registered children will receive information about access each month, along with a link to the quiz
- Each month, start with the level of your choice and navigate to explore all five levels
- Take part in the monthly online passport check (Quiz)
- The Rosa Parks PTSA is the sponsor of the free enrichment program Passport Club. Follow this link to make a gift ($5 suggested donation per participating student) if you would like to support this program. Thanks!!
What do I get?
Aside from learning about new countries each month, members will receive one point for each month of participation; the points will be used to determine the level of award. certificates for continuous participation at the end of the year.
Explorer Awards: 2 winners per grade, irrespective of their level. (Of all the participating and eligible students, we will sort them per their grade level and select two winners per grade, irrespective of the levels attempted.)
On the last working Wednesday (except in the months of November and December) of each month, students will take the Passport Check (an online quiz). The link for the quiz will be provided to parents by email. The link is active from Wednesday to Sunday. Submissions after Sunday are not accepted. Students will get one attempt to take the test online, so make sure you enter the correct name, grade, teacher name, and levels on the online quiz form. Students are asked to identify the countries on the map for the level they have selected for that month. A student must pass each level before moving on to the next one.
* Extended deadline for late start (only September)
** Earlier Wednesday instead of last Wednesday due to holidays (Nov, Dec)
- Students who are Homeschooled but zoned to Rosa Parks,
- Students zoned to Rosa Parks but visiting another school for Quest Program,
- Students visiting Rosa Parks for Pull Out Quest,
the Rosa Parks enrichment programs such as Math Challenge, Passport Club, Spelling Bee are open to enroll.
Please have an account created on our website and register to the program before deadline choosing the appropriate teacher assignment that suits your situation.
For Teacher assignment Please choose one of the two while enrolling:
- Zoned to Rosa Parks (Home Schooled / Quest)
- Visiting Rosa Parks (Pull out Quest)
Please note such students will not be included for any awards or recognition at this point by the program chairs of any of these enrichment programs.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 7
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
Corporate Matching!
Many local companies match donations to non-profit organizations so you can get your donations matched. Please check with your employer to find out if the money you donate to the Rosa Parks Elementary PTSA can be matched.Microsoft employees to donate via the Microsoft Give program to get their donations matched.
For information on other companies, go here